Whether you are remodeling or just installing a pool, choosing the right pool color is a major decision that should never be ignored.  While other decisions such as the type of chairs to pick or the kind of decking to install will have to be determined, nothing is more essential than selecting the right pool finish.

Water is clear and it’s the finish that brings your pool to life whilst creating the color you prefer. Your pool setting will greatly determine the type of finish you’ll choose.  Here are some of the factors to consider.

Pool depth and size

The concentration of your water color is largely influenced by the size and depth of your pool. The deeper your pool, the more concentrated the color is. The more shallow the pool, the lighter the color will appear. This is mainly due to increased light refraction. People with shallow pools will have clearer, brighter finishes compared to those with deeper pools.

The surroundings and landscape

Your landscape and the amount of foliage present will greatly affect the pool’s water color. Variations in coping and deck color can also affect the finish. If you have plants and grass near the pool, it may make your blue water appear aquamarine. Knowing your pool’s atmosphere beforehand will help you know the function it will play in contributing to the color of your water.


Depending on where your swimming pool is located, sunlight plays a major role in affecting your pool water color. If your pool is in an area that is shaded, there will be little to no changes in the appearance. However, if your pool is directly facing the sun, you’ll notice that the watercolor will be more vibrant.

Chemistry of your water

Keep in mind the pool’s hue may be affected by the metals present, levels of PH and calcium hardness. Varying PH levels or too much calcium can lead to cloudy water. High levels of metals may also result in green like looking water which won’t showcase your pool’s finish in the right way.

These are some of the factors that may affect your pool water color. If you are considering to remodel or install a new pool, contact an Austin swimming pool building company to learn more about your options.