One of the more important tasks of a pool owner is to ensure that the water chemicals are in proper balance. This will keep the pool water clean, sanitized, and safe to swim in. 

When it comes to a swimming pool’s pH levels, a range of 7.4 to 7.8 is ideal. If the pool pH level is too high, you should take steps to lower it. Here’s how.

Lowering Your Pool’s pH Levels

Use a pool test kit first before making any changes to verify exactly what level the pH is at. If it is too high, there are a couple of products that can be applied to bring the level down to safer levels: sodium bisulfate and muriatic acid.

Sodium bisulfate. This powder-form product should be added to the water, ideally over the water return jet site so it can be spread more effectively throughout the pool. After about 10 to 15 minutes,the powder should dissolve. 

Testing should be re-done within 6 to 24 hours. 

Muriatic acid. Be sure to wear protective gear when handling muriatic acid, as it is highly corrosive. This product can either be added to the pool over the return jets to allow the pump to circulate it, or added in a slow and steady manner after the pump has been turned off. 

Again, the water should be tested between 6 to 24 hours. 

What Happens if the pH Level is Too High?

If you don’t regularly test the water and allow the pH levels to get and stay too high, you may be stuck having to deal with a few issues, such as the following:

  • Dry, itchy skin and burning eyes
  • Cloudy pool water
  • More algae and bacteria
  • More stress placed on your pool equipment

Stay on top of your pH levels to keep your water clean and safe. Get in touch with your trusted Austin pool builders to help!