Proper maintenance of your Austin swimming pool should help to keep algae at bay. But if something goes wrong with maintenance and water chemical balance, algae can easily creep up. It’s frustrating, unattractive, and unsanitary. So if you spot any algae growing in your pool water, you’ll need to take steps to stop it and get rid of it.

Two of the more common types of algae are free-floating types — like green and mustard algae — and black algae. The former tend to be located throughout the water, while the latter is usually found growing on the surface of pools or in localized spots. 

Both types of algae can be prevented by using a high-quality algaecide and with proper circulation. But once the algae has already started to grow, it will take a lot more algaecide compared to the amount that would be needed to prevent it from growing in the first place. 

How to Eliminate Green and Yellow Algae

To get rid of green algae in your pool, first test their water and add chemicals as required so the water is balanced before removing the algae. Then, shock the pool with a chlorine shock treatment and make sure the filter is running for a minimum of 24 hours after adding it. 

Scrub the green algae of the pool’s walls using a pool brush to scrub the algae off of your pool walls. Then, add algaecide. Scrub the pool again and vacuum to remove any dead algae that may have fallen to the bottom of the pool.

How to Eliminate Black Algae

To get rid of black algae, start off by cleaning the filter, because the odds of black algae being found in the filter are high if you’ve found it somewhere in your pool. Scrub off black algae away with a stiff pool brush, then rub half a chlorine tablet directly onto the areas affected. The chlorine treatment will help kill the roots of the algae and prevent it from returning. 

Shock the pool, then add algaecide to help prevent the black algae from growing back. Run the pool filter for at least 24 hours to make sure that the chemicals and treatments are able to circulate properly. Finally, test the water and keep the water chemistry balanced.

If you need any more help eliminating algae from your pool, be sure to call your local Austin swimming pool builders.